Beyond Fenugreek: An Individualized Approach to Galactagogues
Do herbs help support healthy lactation for some?
How can we approach galactagogues for lactating parents in an individualized way?
How can clinicians evaluate evidence and determine safety regarding galactagogues?
Herbs have been used throughout history to nourish the postpartum parent and enhance lactation. Today over 80% of the global population use plant medicines in postpartum and infant care.
Parents coping with milk supply concerns are often desperate to ‘try anything’ that might help. As a clinician, you play an essential role in helping families understand the risks and benefits of herbs during lactation. By identifying meaningful resources and reliable information around galactagogues, health professionals empower families to make safe, informed choices.
Beyond Fenugreek critically examines the use of herbal galactagogues to support lactation and postpartum mood concerns. This module focuses on the foundational need for individualized support when it comes to galactagogue discussion and selection.
Session Objectives:
- Identify resources on clinical galactagogue information and safety
- Critically think about a personalized approach to galactagogue support during lactation
- Describe ways galactagogues may impact physiological action when it comes to lactation support
- Describe benefits and contraindications for each galactagogue presented
IBLCE Blueprint Areas Covered:
- IV. Pharmacology and Toxicology
- VII. Clinical Skills, B. Education and Communication
Time: 90 minutes
Cost: $55
Access for 90 days.
Includes 1.5 IBLCE CERPs upon completion.
(Email [email protected] for information about discounts for Tier 2, 3 countries)
“Just really loved being able to fine tune my knowledge of the herbs, but I particularly LOVED the information provided of the mechanism of action for the herbs (as an RN, I love this kind of stuff), which was SO helpful! Thank you Melissa!”
- RN, Course Participant
“This was a thoroughly enjoyable class! Melissa's deep understanding of the subject matter was impressive. I took five pages of notes on herbs!”
- Course Participant
Disclaimer: All content and material on this site and in course modules have been created for informational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.